Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Council Elects Nancy Navarro as President; Craig Rice as Vice President

The Montgomery County Council has unanimously elected Nancy Navarro as president and Craig Rice as vice president of the Council for the coming year.

Navarro, who represents District 4, is the first Latina president of the Council. In addition to serving as vice president for the past year, she chairs the Council�s Government Operations and Fiscal Policy (GO) Committee and serves on the Health and Human Services Committee.

Setting the tone for her presidency, Navarro said, �I want to talk about One Montgomery.  To me, One Montgomery means recognizing the differences among us, while emphasizing that however different our backgrounds or our lifestyles may be, we are all connected. We all depend on each other. We all share the same need for a government that encourages economic growth, protects our families, educates our children, and provides a safety net in case we fall on hard times.�

Council Vice President Rice, who represents District 2, was elected to the Council in November 2010. He is the youngest African American to ever serve on the Council and only the second African American man to serve.  He is a member of the Council�s Education Committee and the Health and Human Services Committee, where he serves as the lead member for libraries.

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