Friday, July 1, 2016

13 Error Fatal Young Entrepreneurs In Starting A Business Online

1. Begin with Thought Wrong
Have thought if the online business they bring overnight success? Easy - hopefully thought it now already drifting into the earth, because it's not going to happen. In principle, the online business is based online BUSINESS , Remember bro, whose name is to build a business that is full of struggle and sacrifice. Maybe you see the entrepreneur who already successfully that his wealth is abundant, his life was full of happiness, a lot of time to relax, but behind all that what you know how big their struggle to achieve success? nothing is easy, there is not that fast. you should be ready to sacrifice a lot of time and effort for setting up a business online, even money. Many - many was the bucket of knowledge and sharing stories with entrepreneurs around you fact let me know how.

2. Not Have Planning the Ideal
To start a business must need the name of planning, agreed? Even for large scale businesses and professionals, who need investment fund tens of millions - billions of rupiah that takes the name of the business plan dozens of pieces. Everything must be paced detail, investors are not going carelessly investors funds for businesses that do not have a clear plan. But remember, it is for large scale and professional. As for the young entrepreneurs who just want to start a business online, do not need  make planning much for details. Do not let time you consumed a lot because it makes planning very precise. Everything you need for planning at the beginning is a strong foundation; What you selling, who would like to buy products / you servies, why do people have to buy products and financial planning until your product really - really profitable. Do not plan too much, not too little. Focus on building a strong foundation!

3. Principle Solo Fighter don't Need Help Others

it does not mean you not allowed to be a solo fighter. That is you must strive to build brand you itself, but that does not mean for this business you then you that have to do everything themselves. Well Okay cave strongly believe lu able to do everything themselves, from the design, choice of name brand, social media management, money, marketing, promotion, strategy, analytics, customer service, shipping of goods, etc. But remember bro, as the development of a system rich, capabilities and expertise you not possibly be maximum evenly, time you not going quite 24 hours a day, and the pressure you caves guarantee because many must you do alone. "the solution how bro, while new caves began business, where can hire people? " Begin to invite friend - friend entrepreneur who has the expertise to intertwine business cooperation with you. making them as kin work with professional commitment in responsibility. Or you be completely alone in the beginning, but when the business started you already stable and feels heavier because it continues to evolve, look for employees as needed you. So in the end you as a business owner can focus more on business development strategy you same.

4. Make Product / Service  No One Cares

"But the business of the cave innovation bro has never existed in the world?"

If you clay store innovations like there is in advertising and mall - mall, they could develop because the product is not merely innovation, but it can solve important problems. For example, emerging innovative products that can provide health in a matter of minutes. The problem was initially clear, a lot of people - people are busy and do not sport. " Audience do not care at you, you the same business, product or brand you ... They only care about themselves, what they want, what they need , what gives advantage to them. " According to , the first reason many startups fail is because not solve the issues that are important. If you product is an innovation and provide solutions on an issue of importance, you do not need advertising bro, people - people get the same come you. know is the first time have a small child and a magic stone that likes to water? He could be as famous as it was because he believed that people can solve their problems. The reason for someone to buy a product or service is between someone was indeed longer needed, or he wants to improve the quality of life.

5. No There Competitiveness Enough, Not Enough Differentiation

Apparently with you can make the products / services in accordance with 4 item, it was not enough bro.
Audience has a variety of options to buy something. For example, rich products / services what would he using, where he bought, brand what he chose, there are many other factors. To be able to win this competition, then one way is to give reasons why people - people must choose you compared to competitors. Important bro, especially for moving in a market crowded competitors (food, fashion, etc.): The higher the competitiveness you has, the greater the chances to survive, even won a business competition. A few tips from the cave on the competitiveness of this is to have differentiation. This means that brand you has something different than the competitors. Providing the best was not enough, you should be able to give something different, give the impression, so that the audience can remember the same brand you. " Do not be the best. Be different "

6. Sign in to the market share that is too small

Business growth you will be much faster when you has a market share of 1 campus totaling 5000 people, compared to one class only amount to 50 people. "But it was a niche bro, with a market share of 1 class aja cave more focused and targeted, moreover competitors do not exist? " the focus and have specific targets was nice, but if the market share is too small then the business growth you will also be longer. Maybe its competitors do not exist for the market share of one class, because they are already engaged first in market share one campus. Oh yes, 1 class and 1 campus was just an idea bro

7. Ignoring Trial Products / Services

you not forget to test the product or you service. Before you begin production in large quantities and selling, product testing is something that should not escape. Look for people - people around you, continue to wonder whether the product you already feasible to use the public or not.
If the answer is not feasible, even they are not going to use the product you although given free of charge, please repaired elements not worth it. "Then how do I make more boost quality of products / services cave? " Listen to any suggestion from the you audience, find know why people do not want to buy you products, wondering why they were not satisfied with the you product.

8. Gradually Waiting for Can Sell

When you already have the preparation of the products / services are sufficient, then you ready for brand you to the audience, doing deals and sales. It should attention bro, preparation quite the cave mean the product / service you already feasible for community use (point number 6) and not meant to be perfect. What makes lu waited eventually I'll be selling you? no committee has been enough time for everything? Fear not there is interest? Fear that already bought later feeling disappointed? Or the most common was ... afraid lu businesses fail? Well it was fatal bro, businessman or entrepreneur name so it had to face the same risk. Precisely if you move quickly to sell the product / you service, the faster arrival of improvement for you business.

9. Ignoring Short Term Interest

Different bro, short-term goals at different stages, with the overall goal of the company or vision. For example, when a business wants lauching new your products, you the short-term goal in this stage is to make the products sold in the first week. The purpose of this short term so let me be more measurable benchmark in achieving the company's you vision. Each short-term goal to achieve you, you then move forward to the next level.

10. No Learn from Competitors

Whatever type of business, by studying a competitor or competitors are a great way to build a business for the better again. The point is always the analysis and study of its competitors. It does not mean we have to follow all of what is done by a competitor, that is we are always one step behind. We learned about the mistakes they made, the strategies they use, and create strategies to position products you in the market share. While learning from you competitors, do not focus too high with the competition, but the main focus remains to you own business .

11. Not Storing Data Customer

As this article was published, I am fairly confident there are still many entrepreneurs underestimate the storage of customer data that already do business with them. Or maybe you, too bro? It's okeh fact, lu may not know that the customer's data store, then you can get a lot of advantages. For example, increase customer loyalty. Want to be the loyal customers who regularly same transaction lu? We can increase this loyalty of their data storage. Or the benefit of others, lu able to communicate your offerings with ease. In essence, the customer data storage, savvy you actual customer needs. The more they are satisfied or don't know, what they do not like, no matter how they like, and others - others are still a lot of advantages

12. Trying Become the Perfect

This error is fatal if you apply them in starting an online business. you does not want no mistakes at all? Bro Realistically, nobody's perfect. Caves take the example of, even for Bill Gates entrepreneur has ever made ​​a fatal mistake. Especially for a new one would start a business, because I'm sure that his name wrong and it failed so meals a day - day. While large companies able to look perfect for their experience and strategies to minimize errors.

13. Stop Too Fast

While still others fought - and nail to face barriers in business, many entrepreneurs who gave up first when dealing on the same street who do not conform to expectations. Perhaps the simplest reason for fear if dilanjutin will bring great losses. Or as experience the cave that is because it already bored, then simply decide to stop? Or because of the many customers who already not the same you subscription? Or the millions of other reasons? Everything is already done for building business arrived - arrived was left just like that, but if you want further see turns already done much for many. End - the end yes more or less regret. Nothing yardstick for sure when you must stop, the point is a waste of thought to stop. Instead of thinking about the need to stop or no, better find the solution of business you problems. Do not forget to also make a story and ask Entrepreneur input from family or others.

Too Busy Business start-Up Forgotten Even the Neighborhood Health Yourself

Well, this point actually just be a material reflection of all our efforts to start a business online. Simple really, but important. Caves do not want to discuss at length this point, let me be reflections yourself what the goal of becoming entrepreneurs .

Once again, the error - the error above just as consideration of what should be you avoid in starting an online business. Everything depends equally you itself as Entrepreneur young, because sooner or later the error would occur. Keep in mind: "Never be afraid to make mistakes, do not be sad if the rejection. The error is one of the processes of formation, and rejection will only become a problem when appears regret. "

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