Friday, September 14, 2012

Leggett Responds to Councilmember on County�s Involvement with Pepco

On August 30, Leggett met with Pepco�s senior leadership at his office in Rockville � reviewing their recent performance and making crystal clear the County�s expectations for improved reliability.
In response to comments by County Councilmember Nancy Floreen that the County should have a �clear roadmap of what it is asking from Pepco or the Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC),� County Executive Ike Leggett assured her that �the County has been actively involved in several matters regarding Pepco�s performance before the PSC�.�

In a September 10 memorandum to Councilmember Floreen, Leggett said the County is �currently a party in the case to review their [Pepco] handling of the Derecho storm� in June.

Read entire memo (pdf).

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