Tuesday, September 4, 2012


September 10 -- Nominations deadline for Montgomery County Office of Human Rights� (OHR) Seventh Hall of Fame. Nominations should be for individuals � either living or deceased � whose ongoing work, service and contributions have positively impacted human and civil rights in the county. Read more about the Hall of Fame. Nomination forms are available online, or by calling the Office of Human Rights at 240-777-8456.

September 14 � Talent call for performers in the 2013 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration. Auditions for individuals and groups. 5:30 to 9 p.m. Montgomery College, Rockville Campus, Room 124 in the Music Building. Musical and dance performers, as well as instrumental selections, spoken word and skit performances are sought. RSVP to mlkcelebration@hotmail.com in order to receive an audition time. A three-minute audition will be required; all members of the group must be present at the audition. Contact Susan Peevy at mlkcelebration@hotmail.com or Yvonne Stephens at Montgomery College�s Office of Equity and Diversity, 240-567-4203, or Yvonne.stephens@montgomerycollege.edu.

September 21 � Public hearing on �Safety & Health Challenges on the Job Faced by Immigrant Workers.�  9:30 a.m. � 12:30 p.m. Silver Spring Civic Building, Ellsworth Dr. and Fenton St. Free.  Local immigrant workers and occupational safety and health authorities will testify. Opening remarks by County Executive Ike Leggett and Councilmembers Valerie Ervin, Nancy Navarro and George Leventhal. Convened by the Montgomery County Worker Safety & Health Commission. The commission will use the testimony to plan future programs and initiatives with state and federal government officials. More information, call the Office of Public Information, 240-777-6507.

October  27 � Community Service Day. Join thousands of county residents who will volunteer in order to make a difference on the County�s 26th annual Community Service Day. For more information about serving on CSD or anytime during the week of October 22-28, visit http://www.montgomeryserves.org/community-service-day-2012

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