Monday, October 1, 2012

How to Live and Thrive in Montgomery County for Those 60 and Older

Living & Thriving in Montgomery County -- a guide for residents 60 and older -- was designed to inspire local seniors and/or caregivers to plan ahead and head in the right direction regardless of personal circumstances or those of loved ones.  There are more than 150,000 adults age 60 and older in Montgomery County. And, nearly 50,000 individuals serve as caregivers for frail or disabled seniors.

The online guide contains information about services and resources available in the County and offers tips on where to learn more. There is basic information about a range of core topics for seniors and caregivers, such as Planning Ahead, Living in the Setting of Your Choice, Staying Healthy and Staying Connected.

Living and Thriving in Montgomery County was produced by Aging and Disability Services in the Department of Health and Human Services.

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