Thursday, October 11, 2012

The A�s and B�s of Ballot Questions

Over the years, public and private employers have stated that they are committed to the employment of people with disabilities.

However, the data clearly demonstrates that disabled veterans and persons with disabilities have an extremely high unemployment rate. In fact, in Montgomery County  46% of individuals with disabilities, ages 18-64, are unemployed or not in the labor force.

A vote for Question A on the November ballot will amend the County Charter to allow County Government more flexibility to recruit and select qualified individuals with severe physical or mental disabilities for County jobs.

Learn more about Question A and how it can broaden job opportunities for disabled veterans and individuals with disabilities.

Question B is all about who YOU think should run the County Police department -- the Police Chief or Police Union Leaders?

Under �effects bargaining,� Union leaders have the power to require our Police Chief Tom Manger to bargain everything about running his department with Police Union leaders. That includes the distribution of critical police equipment, the redeployment of officers to crime hot spots, and even the revised policy on �Use of Force� � important to protecting the public and officers alike � which was sent to the Police Union for their �approval� on June 27, 2008�four years ago.

No other Police Union in the entire State has �effects bargaining�. Neither does any other County union have it in their contract.

That�s why the Montgomery County Council unanimously voted to repeal effects bargaining,� a repeal signed into law by the County Executive.

The Montgomery County Democratic Central Committee voted overwhelmingly � by about 90 percent � to urge a vote FOR Question B. County Republicans voted unanimously to endorse FOR Question B.

A �FOR� vote on Question B lets the Police Chief run the department in the most efficient and productive way and still protects the full range of collective bargaining enjoyed by all other Police unions across the State and all other County unions.

An �AGAINST� vote preserves Union leaders� power over the ability of the Police Chief to run the Police Department, impairing the effective and productive running of the Police Department in its mission to protect County residents' lives and property as well as  police officers themselves.

Vote FOR Question B.

  • Click here to see Chief Manger talk about Question B on �Montgomery County Police Beat.�
  • Click here to get more information in English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean and French.
  • Click here to read the Washington Post editorial urging a FOR Question B vote �Unshackling Montgomery�s Police: County Voters have a chance to end union interference.�
  • Hear the Public Service Announcement in Spanish.  
  • For more information, go to


Montgomery County Police Policies Still Awaiting �Approval�
by Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) Leaders

Police Union leaders have held up the finalization of the following 15 police procedural directives by demanding the right to bargain their �effects.�  The five issues marked with a star (*) had already been bargained and agreed to under the Union�s collective bargaining agreement - but the Union demanded to bargain them again under effects bargaining, thus continuing to delay their going into effect.

Directive   Date Sent to FOP

Use of Force (131) 06/27/08

Guides officers in their use of deadly force and non-deadly force. This includes but is not limited to the application of force through the use of firearms, tasers, and other protective instruments. This policy also covers the reporting process for officers to articulate the facts and circumstances surrounding their use of force.

Equipment Turn-In (390) 10/07/08

Details the procedures to be followed when turning in police-issued equipment.

*Firearms and Accessories (305) 10/18/08

Describes the type of authorized firearms and associated accessories (holsters, attached lights, etc�) that can be used by an officer while on-duty or off-duty.

*Clothing Allowance (414) 11/11/08

Provides guidelines for a clothing allowance to sworn officers whose job responsibilities do not primarily require the use of the standard-issue police uniform and the process by which these officers are paid.

*Restricted duty (380) 7/24/09

Defines what will occur when an officer is temporarily incapacitated and is not able to fully perform all duties or meet all responsibilities required of a sworn police officer.

Raids (711) 10/20/09

Details the procedures whenever it is necessary for officers to conduct search and seizure operations typically in the form of a search warrant service, with focus on the rights, safety, and welfare of both the citizens and the officers involved.

Search Warrants (712) 10/20/09

Defines the procedures to be followed when applying for and serving search warrants.

Interpreters and Language Services (1121) 09/08/09

Establishes that it is the policy of the department to furnish appropriate auxiliary
aids and services whenever necessary to ensure effective communication with
individuals with hearing impairments.

*Mobil Video Systems (425) 01/13/10

Delineates the arbitrated award whereby the Department can install, review and use mobile video systems in officers� police cruisers. This allows for better evidence in court, accountability in the police force, and safety for the officer on the street.

Field Training and Evaluation (343) 02/01/10

Defines the policy of the department to provide each probationary officer with field training under the guidance, direction, and evaluation of experienced officers and supervisors.

High Risk Incidents (950) 06/16/10

Establishes the policy to resolve potentially life-threatening incidents through the use of departmental resources to include patrol officers, the SWAT team, and hostage negotiators. High risk incidents include: hostage situations, any life-threatening situation, barricades and high risk arrest/execution of a search warrant.

ECC Tapes 10/17/11

This policy sets forth the process to obtain ECC communication tapes, both 911 calls and dispatch transmissions.

SRO�s 10/17/11

Defines the duties and responsibilities of sworn officers working in the school system as School Resource Officers (SROS�s).

*Employee Personal Information  5/18/12

Lists what personal information is kept by the department and what types of personal information can be released publicly including the reasons for its release.

Police Chief Tom Manger should be able to run the Police Department without Union leaders having the right to make him bargain every management decision. This costs County taxpayers money. It diminishes accountability. It inhibits efficiency and the introduction of new technology. Plainly put, it makes no sense.

That�s why the County Council unanimously repealed the law that gave Union leaders this power. It�s why the County Executive signed that repeal into law. And that�s why both the County Democratic Party and the County Republican Party are urging a vote FOR Question B.

FOR Question B means a more productive and efficient Police department to protect our families, our homes, and businesses, while still retaining the right of police officers to bargain over wages, hours, benefits, working conditions, and safety.



For more information, go to

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