Ride On Moving from Paper Passes to Electronic SmarTrip CardRide On passengers are now able to load monthly passes onto their SmarTrip� cards. The $45 monthly pass provides customers unlimited rides on Ride On buses for an entire calendar month. Monthly passes can be loaded onto SmarTrip� cards either in person or online. When adding value online, customers have the option to purchase monthly passes automatically. The monthly pass value is then added automatically to a purchaser�s card seven days before the end of each month.
Customers who prefer to add the monthly pass value to a SmarTrip� card in person, may do so at
transit stores in Silver Spring and Friendship Heights, at County offices in downtown Rockville, or at various retail stores.
Paper passes, including the YouthCruiserPass, are being phased out. Passengers can still pay fares with cash, but the Ride On monthly pass saves more than 40% over paying cash fares on regular Ride On routes.
For information, go to the
Division of Transit Services' website or call
311 (TTY, call 301-251-4850) Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
New Policy Changes at Public Libraries = More Access to More Materials
To help ensure that Montgomery County Public Libraries (MCPL) customers have increased access to the materials/items they need from the system�s collection, four policy changes take effect on Sunday, February 17.
The changes will enable customers to:
- increase the number of checkouts on their account from 50 items to 100 items;
- place 30 holds, rather than 15;
- check out 20 DVDs (increased from 10); and
- renew items three times (rather than twice), as long as there is not another customer waiting for the item.
Help Others Learn to Read � Be an Adult Literacy Volunteer
The Literacy Council of Montgomery County will hold an information session for volunteers interested in helping adults learn to read, write, or speak English on
Wednesday, February 20 at 7:30 p.m. and
Tuesday, March 19 at 7:30 p.m. at the Rockville Memorial Library.
Once volunteers have completed the information session, they can select a two-part training session that fits their schedules.
Call 301-610-0030, email
info@literacycouncilmcmd.org or visit
Polar Bear Swim for Individuals with Disabilties

Individuals with disabilities and their families and friends can have fun together on Saturday, March 2 at the Polar Bear Family Swimming Pool Party at the
Germantown Indoor Swim Center n the South Germantown Recreational Park, 18000 Central Park Circle, Boyds, beginning at 7:30 p.m. Pick up time is 9:30 p.m.
Swim a few laps, streak down the water slides, shoot baskets or relax in the leisure pool/hot tub. $4 per person; $6 for non-residents, bring swimsuit, towel and backpack to store your belongings while swimming.
Anyone attending must register � under course #344096 -- and come in swim attire.
For more information, call 240-777-6870.
�Virtual Tours� of Montgomery County Sites from Heritage Montgomery
It may be cold and blustery outside � so fire up your computer and enjoy a little trip around the County from the comfort of your own home, courtesy of Heritage Montgomery.
�travelogues� -- video clips running from two to six minutes -- were originally part of the Paths to the Present series, which ran on County Cable Montgomery. The first five installments feature:
The C&O Canal and Monocacy Aqueduct in Dickerson |
The C&O Canal and Monocacy Aqueduct in Dickerson � view scenes along the canal; hear about construction of the magnificent aqueduct completed in 1833.
White�s Ferry in Poolesville |
White�s Ferry in Poolesville � learn about the cable ferry that has transported vehicles and walk-on passengers across the Potomac since 1828.
Madison House in Brookeville |
Madison House in Brookeville � discover the now beautifully restored 1790 home that provided refuge for President James Madison when he fled the British attack on the White House during the War of 1812.
Clara Barton House in Glen Echo |
Clara Barton House in Glen Echo � take a look at the life of the founder of the American Red Cross and her home which served as the organization�s first headquarters.
Jeb Stuart Visits Rockville |
Jeb Stuart Visits Rockville � re-live General Jeb Stuart�s four-hour stop in Rockville on his way to meet General Robert E. Lee in Gettysburg in 1863.
For more information about Heritage Montgomery, visit
Apply for Projects that Reduce Stormwater Runoff; Higher RainScapes Rewards Rebates Available
The Department of Environmental Protection�s
RainScapes Rewards program has increased its rebate limits to $2,500 for residential properties and $10,000 for institutional, homeowner association common areas and commercial properties.
Residents currently working on a project will be eligible for the higher level rebate. Residents who have already completed a project may be eligible for the higher rebates for new projects.
Most rainfall on urban surfaces -- such as roofs, driveways, roads, parking lots and patios -- ends up as stormwater runoff, which can carry pollutants into streams and damage stream banks and habitats. RainScapes techniques include rain gardens, conservation landscapes, canopy trees, green roofs, permeable pavements, rain barrels, cisterns and dry wells that allow rainfall to soak into the ground where it can replenish groundwater and recharge streams.
Honor Roll Students Skate Free

Not only do good grades count, they can save you money, as well. Now through March 8, Honor Roll students in Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) can skate free at the Silver Spring Skating Rink at Veterans Plaza (corner of Fenton St. and Ellsworth Dr.)
Bring your MCPS report card and student ID and receive one free skating pass, with skates.
Questions? Call 301-588-1221.
Public-Private Partnership Helps Build Hope for Animals
Thanks to a public-private partnership between the County and private-sector non-profit mcpaw (Montgomery County Partners for Animal Well-Being), the new state-of-the art Animal Shelter and Adoption Center is taking shape at the intersection of Muncaster Mill and Airpark roads in Derwood.
Mcpaw, is an independent non-profit created to provide financial support for the center. Funds raised by mcpaw will provide enhanced facilities and meet future equipment needs of the Animal Services and Adoption Center.
The 49,160 square-foot Animal Services and Adoption Center is expected to open in the summer of 2013.
Learn more about the animal shelter project and the mcpaw partnership.