Thursday, February 14, 2013

County�s Share of Hotel/Motel Tax to Increase; Will Allow for Wider Promotion of Local Assets, Attractions

Thanks to a bill just passed by the County Council, there will be additional money to promote the County as a good place for business travelers, for tourists to stay while they enjoy the Capital Region and for visitors and residents to enjoy the many exciting events and amenities the County has to offer.

Bill 36-12 increases the amount of the hotel/motel tax collected by the County and directed to the County�s Conference and Visitors Bureau from 3.5 to 7%.

Public testimony about the bill revealed that Montgomery County spends less overall on promotions than all neighboring jurisdictions other than Arlington County in Virginia.

Looking ahead, it was noted that the County must be ready to more aggressively compete for tourism and conventions with Prince George�s County and other Maryland jurisdictions that have, or will have, casinos.

Read more in news release.

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