Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Montgomery Named Among 2013 Best Intergenerational Communities

Intergenerational Communities are places that folks of all ages proudly call home, because they recognize the benefits of intergenerational programs, practices, policies and services. And, Montgomery County has been selected as one of the 2013 MetLife Foundation/Generations United Best Intergenerational Communities Award recipients, according to a report in the February 6 Generations This Week.

Other communities receiving the 2013 award were: Dunedin, FL, Itta Bena, MS and Westchester County, NY. More details about each award-winning community and the award presentations are forthcoming from Generations United.

The organization�s website says Generations United is �the national membership organization focused solely on improving the lives of children, youth, and older people through intergenerational strategies, programs, and public policies.�

Read more about intergenerational communities and previous winners.

Consumer Protection Director Discusses Credit Score Errors on Fox 5 News 

Errors in credit scores have been making the news lately and Fox 5 News interviewed Office of Consumer Protection Director Eric Friedman about how to check your score, what kind of errors to look for and the role of credit bureaus.

 Watch the five-minute interview.

County Executive Staffer Profiled in Bethesda Magazine

Lily Qi, Special Projects manager for County Executive Ike Leggett, and her husband, Phil Peng, are featured in the January/February issue of Bethesda Magazine as members of the �sacrifice generation.� 
According to author Steve Roberts, those are people �who leave home and settle in a new land�.� However, he adds that they �will never feel fully part of their adopted country. Only their children will.�

The article details the circumstances under which Qi and her husband left China and the struggles they overcame to forge a life for themselves and their children in the United States.

Read �Meet the Sacrifice Generation.�

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