Monday, March 3, 2014

20(14) Publisher Stories: Italy with a Japanese twist makes the perfect match for Amo Italia

As part of our �20(14) publisher stories� blog series, every Monday we�ll introduce you to a publisher and share their success story. We�re half-way through the series but still have lots more stories to come from South Africa to Italy to Brazil -- stay tuned! Read on to meet this week�s featured publisher, and feel free to share your own success story with us.
Tsuyoshi Doh founded Amo Italia in 2004 after moving to Italy and discovering his passion for the country. The site, which is one of the largest online travel guides for Italy in Japan, offers its users a wealth of information on tourist attractions, local restaurants and things to do across the country. 

Not long after he created the site, Tsuyoshi began using AdSense initially just as a way for him to make sure he�d keep adding new content. However, as more users visited his site, he was pleased to see his AdSense revenue increase to the point that it was funding his travel all over Italy to compile new articles and travel information for visitors to his site.

Today, AdSense is a dependable source of income for Tsuyoshi and a key part of the success of Amo Italia. In addition to providing revenue to fund further research trips, AdSense ads have themselves become useful sources of information for visitors to the site. As Tsuyoshi says, �AdSense can offer relevant ads for my website such as hotels, tours and flights and I�m happy that the ads can provide additional 
information for visitors.�

Throughout it all, Tsuyoshi has always made sure he keeps a firm focus on providing great content for visitors to Amo Italia. His advice to those thinking about launching a new site - �create a site that�s really enjoyable and has plenty of useful content�.

Read the full story.

Posted by Natsuko Takagawa - Inside AdSense Team
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