Monday, March 24, 2014

20(14) Publisher Stories: The Maestro de la Computacion family grows with Google AdSense

As part of our �20(14) publisher stories� blog series, every Monday we�ll introduce you to a publisher and share their success story. Read on to meet this week�s featured publisher, and feel free to share your own success story with us.

Four years ago, Roberto Andre Diaz co-founded for the Columbian tech community. Today, the site receives over 150,000 visitors every month and the family business has grown to cover seven other sites. 

The team chose to partner with Google AdSense from the very beginning. In Roberto�s opinion, there was �no other ad network that could compare to AdSense in terms of performance, ad quality, monetization opportunity and dynamic ad formats."

(Don�t forget to enable english captions using the Captions button under the YouTube video)

Right now, AdSense represents 95% of their advertising earnings. According to Roberto, the impact from AdSense goes beyond revenue alone: "AdSense has paid our college fees and moreover has allowed us to travel to lots of fascinating places and meet people from around the world."

Posted by Barbara Sarti - Inside AdSense Team
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