Monday, July 27, 2015

[New eBook] Download The No-Nonsense Guide to App Growth

What�s the secret to rapid growth for your app?

Play Store or App Store optimization? A sophisticated paid advertising strategy? A viral social media campaign?

While all of these strategies could help you grow your user base, the foundation for rapid growth is much more basic and fundamental�you need an engaging app.

This handbook will walk you through practical ways to increase your app�s user engagement to help you eventually transition to growth. You�ll learn how to:
  • Pick the right metric to represent user engagement
  • Look at data to audit your app and find areas to fix
  • Promote your app after you�ve reached a healthy level of user engagement

Download a free copy here:
The No-Nonesense Guide to App Growth
For more tips on app monetization, be sure to stay connected on all things AdMob by following our Twitter and Google+ pages.

Posted by Raj Ajrawat,
Product Specialist, AdMob

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