Monday, August 1, 2016

Google Adsense: How to Explain the Google Adsense Program to Others

We’re not talking about strangers here.  For the strangers that visit your site, your content will have to do all the talking for you.  But for the people in your daily life, the ones you want to click on your referral button, the ones you want to read and comment on your blog; these are the ones you want to be able to enlighten about the Google Adsense program.

First, excitement breeds excitement.  Get excited about your new venture and others will too.  Learn everything you can about the Google Adsense program, not only will this increase your earnings, but you’ll be better equipped to explain the mechanics of the program to others.

Show them the money.  There’s nothing like a little proof to make a believer out of someone.  You don’t have to wait until you’re making thousands per month, although that’s a healthy goal.  But even a small deposit in your piggy bank is enough to intrigue most people.  Can’t you just count those referrals now?

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Updated Panama Canal opens premium Asian markets to US LNG

It has been quite a year for the US LNG industry. In February, Cheniere’s Sabine Pass LNG terminal exported the continental US’ first commercial cargo of LNG. Since February, Cheniere’s Train 1 at Sabine Pass, the only fully commissioned operating US LNG export terminal, has exported 19 cargoes to eight different nations on three continents. While South America has so far received more US LNG cargoes than any other region, the re-opening of the newly expanded Panama Canal could drive new competition from North Asian markets.
While many expected the majority of Cheniere’s cargoes to end up on Europe, ten of the first 16 cargoes (three are out at sea) have delivered into South America, specifically Brazil, Chile and Argentina. Only two cargoes have delivered into Europe.
Cheniere’s first cargo was delivered to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil’s furthest regasification terminal from Sabine Pass. Depending on what terminal you deliver into Brazil, shipping a cargo of LNG from the US Gulf Coast can take between 11 and 16 days. Delivery into either of Argentina’s two terminals takes roughly 21 days.
The expanded Panama Canal will allow US LNG producers to deliver their cargoes to select destinations in South America and Asia faster and cheaper. Chile is a good example: when travelling around the southern tip of South America, an LNG vessel departing from Sabine Pass must travel 9,507 nautical miles over 30 days to deliver into Chile’s Mejillones terminal. Through the Panama Canal, the trip is cut down to just 3,607 nautical miles, lasting about 11 days.
A shorter trip to North Asia through the Panama Canal means South American LNG importers will now face new competition for US LNG supply. Before the opening of the Panama Canal, the idea of sending a cargo of US LNG to North Asia seemed like a pretty far off idea. Via the Suez Canal, a US Gulf Coast laden LNG vessel must travel around 47 days and 14,500 miles to reach Tokyo Bay. Around the Cape of Good Hope, the trip is 15,689 nautical miles, lasting 50 days. Through the Panama Canal, the trip is cut down to 29 days and a distance of 9,214 nautical miles. From a distance and time perspective, this is significant.
Fewer miles traveled and fewer days out at sea result in lower shipping costs for LNG vessels. Platts Analytics show freight costs from the US Gulf Coast toNorth Asia via the Cape of Good Hope are $1.40/MMBtu, but drop down to $1.02/MMBtu when using the Panama Canal.
The Panama Canal Authority and the US Energy Information Administration stated that the newly expanded canal will be able to accommodate 90% of the world’s current LNG tankers with capacity up to 3.9 billion cubic feet (Bcf). Prior to the expansion, only 30 of the smallest LNG tankers (6% of the current global fleet), with capacities up to 0.7 Bcf, could transit the canal.
Why would US LNG producers want to travel across the Pacific Ocean into North Asia? For now, at least, this region has some of the highest prices in the world for LNG. On July 25, Platts assessed the Japan Korea Marker (JKM) for September deliveries at $6.05/MMBtu. By comparison, European LNG prices for September delivery are in the$4.75/MMBtu range.
On July 25, the Sabine Pass laden 3.48 Bcf Maran Gas Apollinia LNG vessel was the first LNG vessel to pass through the newly expanded Panama Canal. The Trinidad & Tobago laden British Merchant was expected to pass through the Panama Canal on July 27.
Looking ahead, the amount of US LNG cargoes end up going through the Panama Canal will depend on demand levels and. consequently, prices in South America and Europe.

‪‪FC Barcelona‬, ‪Celtic F.C.‬, ‪Lionel Messi‬‬ , International Champions Cup: Celtic 1-3 Barcelona

Celtic were beaten but not disgraced as they warmed up for their crucial Champions League match against Astana with a loss to Barcelona in Dublin.

Barca took the lead in splendid style, Arda Turan placing a marvellous finish beyond Craig Gordon after 10 minutes.

A defensive blunder from Jose Antonio Martinez gifted Leigh Griffiths a leveller, but Efe Ambrose diverted a cross into his own net a minute later.

Munir Mohamed made it 3-1 to secure a comfortable win for Barca.

There was no suggestion of Brendan Rodgers fielding a weakened side ahead of their crucial Champions League third round second leg qualifier on Wednesday.

Seven of the team who secured a 1-1 draw in the first leg against Astana in midweek started in Dublin. New signing Kolo Toure was not deemed ready for match action.

Barca were without the likes of Gerard Pique, Andres Iniesta and Neymar for their first pre-season match, but Luis Enrique did include the towering talents of Lionel Messi and Luis Suarez.

James Forrest was on the bench for the match in Kazakhstan and may wish he had been on the sidelines at the Aviva Stadium after being embarrassed in the build-up to Barcelona's opening goal.

He was nutmegged and left for dead wide on the right by Aleix Vidal, who rolled the ball across the edge of the box for Turan to curl a sumptuous finish into the top corner.
he Scottish champions were gifted an equaliser just before the half-hour mark, Leigh Griffiths able to fire home from close range after Jose Antonio Martinez's appalling touch near his own goal presented the striker with a tap-in.

Barca regained the lead just a minute later, Ambrose turning Juan Camara's cross into his own net, before Suarez teed up Mohamed to make it 3-1 at the break.

With that Champions League qualifier looming, Celtic made seven changes at the break. With the second half punctuated by further changes on both sides, a flatness enveloped the match, with very few chances on created on either side.

Barca left with the spoils, but Rodgers will feel it was a very useful outing for his men as they gear up for a vital 90 minutes at Celtic Park against Astana on Wednesday night.

Celtic: Gordon, Janko, Ambrose, O'Connell, Izaguirre, Brown, Bitton, McGregor, Roberts, Griffiths, Forrest.

Subs: Fasan (Gordon 45), Fisher (Izaguirre 77), Ciftci (Roberts 45), Dembele (Griffiths 45), Armstrong (McGregor 45), Christie (Forrest 63), Rogic (Bitton 45), Allan (Brown 45), Ajer (O'Connell 45), McCart (Ambrose 63), Ralston (Janko 63).

Barcelona: Masip, Vidal, Camara, Mathieu, Roberto, Martinez, Denis Suarez, Arda Turan, Luis Suarez, Munir, Messi.

Subs: J.Suárez, J.Martínez, Borja, Gumbau, Samper (Messi 45), Aleñá (Denis Suarez 61), Tello, Carbonell, Marlon (Mathieu 61), Mujica, Nili, Alfaro (Suarez 61).


Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Boost your mobile performance with the right ad sizes

Were paying special attention to improving the mobile ad experience to help empower content creators, news organizations, and publishers. As mobile continues to grow, choosing high-impact mobile ads are key for businesses to generate revenue from a mobile audience.

When choosing the right mobile ad units for your business, its a best practice to ensure that each and every mobile impression receives the highest value possible, which can be determined by a mix of metrics like viewability, size, placement, and demand.

Its also important to protect the user experience by choosing the right ad formats and placements for your site to engage mobile users so that you dont interrupt their desired intent.

Start by choosing a high-impact mobile format: medium rectangle (300x250), large rectangle (336x280), large mobile banner (320x100), and rectangular responsive ad units tend to get the best results. Heres why we recommend these formats:

  • Each format works well on both desktop and mobile (with the exception of the large mobile banner). This gives advertisers the opportunity to appear on a variety of screens which increases demand, upward auction pressure, and potentially even earnings. The large mobile banner will also allow 320x50 display ads to appear within this format, which increases competition. If the 320x50 ad unit wins the auction, it will always be vertically aligned to the top.
  • These formats are bigger and more engaging than smaller mobile units, so they'll grab user's attention. Here's an example of what the medium rectangle looks like placed above the fold, yet below the main content.

For additional changes for incremental revenue gains, you may want to consider trying link units. Link units are designed to be responsive, so they work with both mobile and desktop. You can add up to three link units in addition to the default limit of 3 ad units per page.

However critical mobile is to your business today, it will be more critical tomorrow. Energize your mobile strategy today by using high-impact mobile ads, theyre a great way for businesses to generate more revenue and engage your users. 

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Earn more from mobile: 3 rules and 6 best practices

However important mobile is to your business today, it will become even more critical tomorrow.

That's true whether youre blogging about your favorite sports team, building the site for your community theater, or selling products to potential customers. Your visitors simply must have a great experience when they visit your site on their mobile devices.

Research has found that 61% of users will leave a mobile site if they dont see what they are looking for right away. 

Sites that are not mobile-friendly expect users to pinch, slide, and zoom in order to consume content. Its a frustrating experience when users expect to find the information theyre looking for right away, but are presented with obstacles to obtain that information. This is what causes users to abandon sites. 

To create a mobile-friendly site, follow these three rules:

  1. Make it fast. Research shows that 74% of people will abandon a mobile site that takes more than 5 seconds to load.
  2. Make it easy. Research shows that 61% of users will leave a mobile site if they dont find what they're looking for straight away.
  3. Be consistent across screens. Make it easy for users to find what they need no matter what device they're using.

It's also important to think about your ads when you're designing or fine-tuning your mobile-friendly site. Focus on creating a flow between your content and your ads for the ultimate user experience and maximum viewability. Consult your analytics data and set events to track and understand where your users are most receptive to ads.

Here are some mobile-friendly ad best practice tips:

  1. Swap out the 320x50 ad units for 320x100 for a potential RPM increase.
  2. Place a 320x100 ad unit just above the fold or peek the 300x250 -- that is, place a portion of the ad unit just above the fold (ATF).
  3. Use the 300x250 ad unit below the fold (BTF) mixed in with your content.
  4. Prevent accidental clicks on enhanced features in text ads by moving ad units 150 pixels away from your content.
  5. Consider using responsive ad units, which optimize ad sizes to screen sizes and work seamlessly with your responsive site.  
  6. Test your site. Pick the metrics that matter most to you  then experiment with them.

The ad experience on your site should be designed with your mobile users in mind, just like the site itself. 

There are many ways to improve your users mobile experience on your site. Download the AdSense Guide to Mobile Web Success today, and find out more on how to make mobile a major asset to your business.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Big events cause big spikes; use them to grow your business.

Across the world, users flock online to view, share and talk about big things that matter to them. From Royal Weddings to World Cups, when big events come around, they make waves online. Spotting and predicting these spikes in web traffic can give you an opportunity to grow your web business, capitalizing on the increase of users online by drawing them to your content.

Recent events and the spikes they created:
  • The 2012 Olympics website received 431 million online visits
  • The Royal Wedding was tweeted about 237 times per second
  • The Cricket World Cup 2015 was searched for 323 million times
  • Searches for the Tour De France in 2015 increased by a factor of 50 during the event
  • There were 1.55m tweets using #supportyourteam during London 2012
  • 90 million people filled out an NBA bracket online in 2014
Big events that generate global interest, particularly sports events, have historically created surges in web traffic. By examining these trends, you can know when the spikes are coming and create the right content to capture that crowd.

What does this mean for AdSense publishers?

Understanding the spikes and when they might happen is invaluable information for an online content creator of any kind. If web traffic has increased due to interest around a particular event, it stands to reason that if publishers incorporate related content into their sites, youre more likely to draw the crowds. 

For example; say an AdSense publisher runs a food blog and a large sports event is trending. This publisher may choose to harness that spike and write a piece about food inspired by the host city or nation, or even focus on restaurants in the host city for those attending. Linking the sites content to this trending event could lead to more traffic to this publishers site and could result in increased revenue. 

By predicting and reacting to web traffic spikes, AdSense publishers can create relevant content and stand the best chance of drawing the crowds in a crowded marketplace.

To start learning from past spikes and how they could influence your upcoming content, take a look at Google Trends.

This tool allows you look at what users are searching for on a global scale. You can select topic areas and drill down into regions for those topics, enabling you to find data relevant to your audience. Once youve established the kinds of spikes certain events create, you can create relevant content and harness the insights you find to predict what spikes may happen in the future.

Whatever your sites focus, web traffic spikes can have a huge impact of your growth. Start exploring the data now and think about how your content can adapt and take advantage of these moments.

New to AdSense? Sign up now and turn your passion into profit.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

[New Resource] Are native ads right for your site?

Spending on native ads is expected to grow to $21 billion in 2018, presenting a huge opportunity for publishers to enhance their user experience and tap into new revenues.

What are Native Ads? Theyre a variety of paid ads with the goal of being so cohesive with the page content, assimilated into the design, and consistent with the platform behavior that the viewer simply feels that they belong, says the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB). You might recognize some of the more popular native ad formats, such as custom sponsored content, content recommendations, and in-feed ad units.

To help determine if native ads are the right fit for your site, weve created a quick guide that includes direction on how you can:
  • Search for opportunities throughout your site where native ads can unlock new ad revenue
  • Determine how to maximize your user experience and ad revenue before implementing native ads
  • Ensure allocation of time and resources needed for proper implementation

Monday, July 18, 2016

Learn how #hashtags can help you

Its official, #hashtags have taken over the internet. Much like memes, gifs, and audio-less fast motion cooking instructional videos, #hashtags fill up social media news feeds. However, unlike the other popular content types, whats unique to #hashtags is that they organize conversations across the web. Even Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake had something to say about #hashtags.

#Hashtags started around 2007 on Twitter, and have rapidly grown into a common medium for users to express their feelings or interests primarily on social networks. As the summer of sport kicks off, its a good idea for you to consider incorporating #hashtags into your content strategy as a key ingredient to #drawthecrowds.

#Hashtags are quite simple to use and can attract new users to your content when you understand how they work. Essentially, when the pound/hash sign is used in front of a group of words it automatically turns that group of words into a searchable link. This transforms those keywords into a conversation that the entire web can participate in and follow.

The use of #hashtags can be boiled down into two main use cases:
  1. Create your own, unique #hashtag to organize your content and start a conversation. This could be tricky because there are millions of #hashtags online, so dont be afraid to repurpose one that exists. AdSense uses original #hashtags like #AdSenseGuide to promote our downloadable content or #AskAdSense for our Q&A sessions. Were also using #drawthecrowds during the summer season to help AdSense publishers draw crowds to your content during big events. 
  2. Use an existing #hashtag and join in on a conversation. Use social network search options to find trending #hashtags that are relevant to your audience and join the conversation. For example, #BurningMan is a popular #hashtag used in the summer months to find news and updates about the annual event. Everyone from news publications to the thousands of people in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada will be using #BurningMan to share their perspective of the Burning Man experience. Using existing and popular #hashtags presents an opportunity for you to contribute your unique perspective to the digital conversation.
To get the most out of #hashtags, heres a do and dont list to reference as you build out your content strategy:

  • Use one to three #hashtags per post, any more is generally overdoing it. 
  • Use #hashtags that are relevant to your audience or ones that your industry is using. If youre writing an article on the food to try, you could use #hashtags like #Foodie and #Yummy so users will find you when they search for those always trending keywords.
  • Its ok to be specific. In most cases, the more specific the #hashtag, the better. If youre going to talk about do it yourself (DIY) summer projects, youd want to use #hashtags like #diyprojects, #diyideas or #diyweddings instead of general keywords like #DIY or #DoItYourSelf. Using specific #hashtags helps users pinpoint the exact content theyre looking for. 
  • Letters and numbers are OK to use in #hashtags.
  • Keep #hashtags short.

  • Dont string too many words together. #itbecomesreallyreallyhardtoread and it can take up most of your Twitter character count.
  • Dont use punctuation marks or spaces, they will break the searchable link.
  • Dont use the same hashtag twice in the same social post. Its just #weird.
Now that you understand how to use #hashtags and how they can help you #drawthecrowds this summer, share with us how youre going to incorporate them into your content strategy  wed love to follow along. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

How creating a content calendar can help you #DrawTheCrowds

In todays fast-paced and global media landscape, timing is everything when youre looking to draw crowds to your site. Throughout the year, there are trends and events that create opportunities for publishers to connect with audiences in the moments that matter. If you can time your content right and make it topical, you stand a much better chance of capturing the interest of a wider audience.

Lets take a simple example. Theres no sense in a fashion blogger writing a piece on Coachella fashion when the annual music festival season is over. If that blogger could know when events relevant to fashion were approaching, she could much better plan her content. Thats where content calendars come in.

A content calendar is an essential tool for any publisher looking to harness some of the online buzz generated by big events. Though they can come in many different forms and countless templates exist, the essential components of a content calendar are the same. Big events relevant to your users are plotted on a calendar, allowing you to get a jump on your content plan.

If you know what events are approaching, you can start to think about the kind of content you can create to harness your users interest in them. 

To get you started, weve pulled out a few upcoming events sure to draw the crowds over the next few months. There are 5 calendar categories for you to choose fromnational holidays, sports, entertainment, travel, and news. Scroll down to take a look at what big moments are coming up, click to add them to your calendar, then start planning your content!
This initial list is just to get you started, once you get into the habit of planning your content in advance, you can start to do your own research into what upcoming events might interest your audience. Need an insight into what your users like? Google Analytics can help you get to know your audience better.

Get started and plan your year today to begin drawing the crowds! New to AdSense? Sign up now and turn your passion into profit.

Monday, July 11, 2016

What could be causing your CTR/RPM to be lower on mobile?

Mobile is the fastest growing platform and its important for us to ensure that our sites are set up for long-term success. Recently, weve heard questions and concerns about lower than expected click through rate (CTR) and revenue per thousand impressions (RPM) for mobile inventory and wed like to share some insights as to what may cause this.

To understand whats happening you need to look at your performance reports. Analyzing your AdSense performance allows you to see how well your ads are performing and which devices your ad units were viewed on.

To view this report simply log into your AdSense account, click Performance reports and select Platforms from the Report type dropdown.

You may notice that your CTR or RPM is lower on mobile than it is on tablet and desktop. This might be caused by one or more of the following reasons:

  • Your site may be displaying suboptimal ad sizes
  • Your responsive design is using the column drop approach
  • Youre not focusing on optimizing for viewability

Here are three tips to increase help you identify the issues and take action to improve your mobile RPM.

If youre not using AdSense to monetize your online content, be sure to sign up so you can start turning your passion into profit. 

1) Use high-impact mobile ad formats to ensure you have optimal ad sizes throughout your site.

The 320x50 ad unit was the original mobile ad banner, but now there are a range of mobile ad sizes and formats to choose from. If youre using 320x50 ads you should consider replacing them with 320x100 (just above the fold), 300x250 (below the fold), or a responsive ad unit. These ad sizes tend to generate higher RPMs than 320x50 ad units.

  • The 320x100 ad unit performs best on mobile screens and can be placed in numerous positions throughout your site. Research from Google shows the most viewable ad position is right above the fold. The 320x100 also increases the fill-rate competition because it allows the 320x50 format to compete for the same space.

  • The 300x250 ad unit is a popular ad size used by advertisers across the globe, resulting in a large ad supply, increased competition, and a potential increase in earnings. Research on viewability has shown that a 300x250 ad unit placed just below the fold has generated approximately a 50% viewability rate for other publishers. This ad unit could potentially help you maximize the impact of your ad space. 
  • Responsive ad units automatically adapt to your page layout and the space available for the ad unit across desktop, tablets, and smartphones. AdSense identifies the appropriate ad size and then determines the best size for the screen. 
2) Pay close attention to your ad placements, especially if youre using a responsive design column drop layout.

Responsive websites are a great multi-screen strategy, but they present a challenge for high-impact desktop ad units that can be easily avoided. Responsive websites commonly use a column drop approach to design. This is where the entire right-hand column on a desktop screen drops down to the bottom of the page when the website is viewed on a mobile screen.

This means that a strong performing ad unit on the right-hand column of your desktop site could become an underperforming unit below the fold on mobile devices.

If this is how your site is designed, you should consider alternative ad placements, for example: moving your right-column ad units above the fold on mobile devices.

3) Focus on counting viewable impressions with Active View in your AdSense account.

Checking the Active View percent of your ads will give you a good indication of your mobile vs. tablet and desktop ad viewability. A display ad is counted as viewable when at least 50% of the ad is within the viewable space on the users screen for one second or more.

If you find that your Active View percent is much lower on mobile than it is on desktop, this could mean that your ads are not visible to your users and alternative ad placements may need to be tested.

There you have it, three tips to increase your mobile RPM.

Monitor your AdSense performance across devices to understand and identify potential underperforming units. If youre using a responsive web design, make sure your ads are viewable on all devices. Finally, use Active View to track the viewability of your ads.

Game developer Balloon Island Increases Revenue by 150% with AdMob Mediation

"With AdMob taking care of the revenue part, we can focus on doing the fun part, which is making great games for our users. - Tenny Woo, Direct and Frankie Lee, CTO

After working 20 years in a job that didnt tap into his passion, Tenny Woo decided to quit in 2011 and start developing gaming apps to express his creativity. Today, hes the managing director of Balloon Island, a successful Hong Kong-based mobile gaming company with more than 1M downloads and popular games like Ultimate Jewel, Star Gems and Lollipops series.

The problem
Balloon Island develops apps for both Android and iOS to make their games more widely accessible. Woo knew that it was important to sustain and grow his company. Woo decided to turn to AdMob because of its reputation for publisher support and global reach.

The solution
To keep user experience intact, Balloon Island used a combination of banner ads and interstitials, showing only relevant ads. After implementing ads, Balloon Island took advantage of AdMob mediation to ensure that it earned the most money possible for ad space.

The results
Balloon Island saw its revenue grow approximately 150% to $2K daily and its ad inventory increase to more than 4M daily, as a result of implementing AdMob mediation. Thanks to AdMob, Balloon Island has continued its growth and connected with users around the world.

To check out Balloon Islands success story, or other AdMob success stories, visit us at at the AdMob website. Until next time, be sure to stay connected on all things AdMob by following our Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ pages.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Keep your Android apps nimble with the Google Mobile Ads Lite SDK

We understand how critical it is for apps to be lightweight. A lightweight app means taking up less space on a users phone, and faster loading on app launch. Thats why were committed to keeping the Google Mobile Ads SDK lean.

Today, were excited to announce the launch of the Google Mobile Ads Lite SDK, a lightweight Google Mobile Ads SDK that can be integrated in your Android app at a fraction of the size of the regular SDK. We also significantly reduced the number of methods, which will assist in keeping your method count low.

The Google Mobile Ads Lite SDK will help you continue earning money from your Android apps without compromising the size or speed of your apps. Heres what one of our developers had to say about SDK Lite:
At Holaverse, we pride ourselves on developing highly-optimized, lightweight mobile apps. Users spend less time downloading and more time enjoying the functionality and experiences we've crafted for them. When system resources or data bandwidth is limited, every byte saved is one more byte we can use to create and deliver greater value. The Android Google Mobile Ads Lite SDK allows us to do this, to do more, to effectively monetize our hard work with Google's powerful advertising solutions without adding unnecessary bloat to our apps, and without compromising our apps' user experience." - Xie Feng, CEO, Holaverse
The Google Mobile Ads Lite SDK has the same capabilities as the standard SDK, but is specific for devices with Google Play Services. Developers publishing Android apps to an app store that is not the Google Play Store should use the standard SDK.

For more information about Google Mobile Ads Lite SDK, visit our developer documentation and stay connected on all things AdMob, follow our Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ pages.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Mobile Ads Garage: Episode 6 - AdMob with Firebase

Episode six of The Mobile Ads Garage is live on YouTube! If you haven't seen it before, The Mobile Ads Garage is a video tutorial series that covers how to use the Mobile Ads SDK to display ads from AdMob and Doubleclick For Publishers. Each episode covers one aspect of the SDK, breaks down the feature, and shows screencasts of real implementations on both Android and iOS  all in a friendly format.

At I/O '16, Google announced that Firebase has become a unified mobile platform that can help you quickly develop high-quality apps, grow your user base, and earn more money. Part of that platform is AdMob, and this episode features not only Andrew and Gary, but also the Garage's first ever guest star: David East from the Firecasts series! David and Andrew will cover what the benefits of Firebase are for AdMob publishers, how to import both SDKs into a project, and how to link an AdMob app to a Firebase project so you can take advantage of Firebase's free and unlimited analytics.

If you like the video, save the Mobile Ads Garage playlist to your YouTube Playlist collection and you'll never miss an episode.

Wed love to hear which AdMob features youd like to learn more about. The comment sections for the videos are open, and you're welcome to toss out ideas for new episodes and examples you'd like to see. If you have a technical question relating to something discussed in one of the episodes, you can bring it to our support forum.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

How to Change / Convert, partition type from Primary to Logical and contrast

For those who have not long to pursue the world of computers, may not understand about the type of disk partition. Papa does primary partition and logical partition it? In short both of those are the type of disk partition. Haya operating system can be stored on the primary partition, and can be located on a logical partition. Remember! primary partition is limited to 4 only.
There is a case that had puzzled me, when I want to install a dual boot ubuntu with windows. Well, as I've said, to install the required primary OS partition, because they can not use the logical partition. While the current partition type then C, D, and E using all types of primary, and it was not possible for me to install Ubuntu OS on the hard drive. So I beinisiatif convert partitions D and E becomes logical, with the hope to be able to install ubuntu. And sure enough, after I change / convert the partition type D and E to the logical I can install Ubuntu.
In this article I will show you how to change or convert the type of primary partition to logical (and vice versa from the logical partition to primary partition). I'm using third party software that is EASUS Partition Master, because the disk management tools on Windows have limited use. This method will not menghilangka existing data on partitions D and E. Here are the steps that you can follow.
How to Convert Primary Partition to Logical Partition (and vice versa)
1. Download the first software EASUS Partition Master , then install it to finish (I think you've understood this initial step). After that open the software.
2. You will see existing partition table on your hard drive. There are C, D, E and unused though. Initially, when the drive D and E still using primary, I was not 
able to create a new partition on the hard drive is empty (free space). Okay we focus to drive D and E, because we will convert the partition from primary to logical.
3. The trick, right click on the drive you want to convert> Advanced> Convert Primary to Logical .
4. Do it on drive D and E, then click the Apply button in the top left corner.
5. In this message, select yes alone.

How to Change / Convert, partition type from Primary to Logical and contrast
6. Wait for the process to complete, and when finished will be a notification like this, just click Ok.

How to Change / Convert, partition type from Primary to Logical and contrast
7. Well, after my drive D and E to change or convert to Logical, now I can create a new partition on the part of the free space. However I would not make it now, because space is allocated for ubuntu later.
How to Change / Convert, partition type from Primary to Logical and contrast
To ensure that the drive D and E are already using the type logical, just check in disk management.
How to Change / Convert, partition type from Primary to Logical and contrast
Note: In the above steps, we just change from primary to logial only. However, to change from Logical to Primary same way as point number three.
I am writing this article to a record, because I too often forget. But if you read this article, may be useful and beneficial.🙂

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Tutorial Install Comodo SSL on Nginx

Tutorial install Comodo SSL, SSL certificates from Comodo free 90 days. This method is not much different from how to create a self-signed SSL certificate on Nginx . Before listing on Comodo should create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) first so that the time of registration for free Comodo SSL fast.

Related article: List of Free SSL

How to Create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

connect via ssh command line, create a new folder, eg ssl (dressing to taste) didirektori / etc / nginx /

mkdir / etc / nginx / ssl
go into the directory you just created is ssl

cd / etc / nginx / ssl
then copy and paste the following command:

openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa: 2048 -keyout babulang_com.key -out babulang_com.csr
the above command will create two pieces of files are babulang_com.key and babulang_com.csr

cursory will generate a 2048 bit private key file which then continues with some questions to answer in making a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) output roughly as follows:

Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key
 .................................. +++
 .. +++
 writing new private key to 'babulang_com.key'
 You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
 into your certificate request.
 What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
 There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
 For some fields there will be a default value,
 If you enter '.', The field will be left blank.
 Country Name (2 letter code) [XX]: ID
 State or Province Name (full name) []: South Lampung
 Locality Name (eg, city) [Default City]: Trump
 Organization Name (eg, company) [Default Company Ltd]: Babulang co.
 Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []: Sumatra Coffee
 Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) []:
 Email Address []:

Please enter the following 'extra' attributes
 to be sent with your certificate request
 A challenge password []:
 An optional company name []:

If up: A challenge password [] : and An optional company name []: directly enter it.

CSR file is successfully created, Beres. now see .csr file that was created with the command cat :

paint babulang_com.csr
The output is roughly like this:

A4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQCyYQwJC7wEE9c + lOVPEyNt4XlY65pjnQsNutM7qaLane + d
IT2G0xBPhzlSl9esE2k6 / 2nze7iu9j3qJEdA7tI90k50l + 17jD + CFkmSnKnNeX4s
nbpUvP8tCJk0FkliIIgbLS // QBL / OT3 + udgDP / mVu74C4gpDcCD2pXVMErkhe0Mh
eDcX ++ VN8kGfnak3ATVWxsN3sKucDBKWtChluRE3ihdxTlwY3UJawQFe7rz / 9 + 06
SboILbcjqg7M0VOGnobfVb + Y8UUV9AOLwmU7jb1SmI9gv7G + fkcS3ieylTR8ASbt
P8BqS6Jg09qwx / EA + MgLJy9KqK9i7yUshwC + nGibAgMBAAGgADANBgkqhkiG9w0B
AQUFAAOCAQEAGmImCb1JDtVkoDInO5E2bX3 + F950Tdue6ZHraWykeKshWGrEWam /
F / Kd6hxuPwXjxbJyiN5qwcvvOElEijiWgoEZPqNDv8aXFqV5vvIpBTafTAsjm8b2
wMm2OmJh8YQnAGANOlY4nPuqNNX4rNJco7jx8eeePVwjEtHdfFh / 3xN7VAqkF3HR
cFPOn6 / MxqTGb20Qe + iZrahteea93ddvhxb51V0tfaU0QbCyx7iynSwaxPtnQzXM
iUvDno4 / 4y19MTKaku9 / zX3nZ3 + zPGjrYQNUtF5LTfT60twQtKUv7mjDNIwAW1j9
+ 1eAk2rxmnFKFGaAb67yKD6F9tvaLhX9Uw ==
Selection and copy content from the csr that will be pasted into the appropriate fields in the Comodo SSL registration.

 submit CSR

Furthermore, visit the website free Comodo SSL certificate at:

click the button Free Trial SSL

Paste CSR in column number one
on the part = 2. Select the server software used to generate the CSR: Nginx
click Next
Furthermore Domain Control Validation will be sent to your registered email at the time of domain registration. follow the instructions in the email.
Complete the contact form, user and password.
click Next

Wait a few minutes until the certificates issued, Comodo will send email with attachments file SSL Certificate and Trust Logo is also the option to install.

How to Install Comodo SSL Certificate

Next inbox? Okay, check the SSL certificate attachment form .ZIP archive files (got my name ).

Upload the zip file to the directory / etc / nginx / ssl


once extracted typically has 4 .crt certificate file, the file name roughly as follows:

Combine the content of the .crt files into one with the command cat ( concatenate ) with the shell redirection ( > ).

AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt paint babulang_com.crt COMODORSAAddTrustCA.crt COMODORSADomainValidationSecureServerCA.crt> ssl-bundle.crt
Beres, then edit the config Nginx, add the following line into config nginx

        listen 443 ssl;
        # Reference certificate and private key file
        ssl on;
        ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/ssl-bundle.crt;
        ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/babulang_com.key;

Reload nginx

nginx -s reload

checks HTTPS

Once the process is fairly boring, time to see the results, check the connection https protocol.

Open favorite browser, try visiting your website with the prefix https: / / if there is a padlock icon in the corner of the address bar green sign successfully installed Comodo SSL certificates.

Friday, July 1, 2016

13 Error Fatal Young Entrepreneurs In Starting A Business Online

1. Begin with Thought Wrong
Have thought if the online business they bring overnight success? Easy - hopefully thought it now already drifting into the earth, because it's not going to happen. In principle, the online business is based online BUSINESS , Remember bro, whose name is to build a business that is full of struggle and sacrifice. Maybe you see the entrepreneur who already successfully that his wealth is abundant, his life was full of happiness, a lot of time to relax, but behind all that what you know how big their struggle to achieve success? nothing is easy, there is not that fast. you should be ready to sacrifice a lot of time and effort for setting up a business online, even money. Many - many was the bucket of knowledge and sharing stories with entrepreneurs around you fact let me know how.

2. Not Have Planning the Ideal
To start a business must need the name of planning, agreed? Even for large scale businesses and professionals, who need investment fund tens of millions - billions of rupiah that takes the name of the business plan dozens of pieces. Everything must be paced detail, investors are not going carelessly investors funds for businesses that do not have a clear plan. But remember, it is for large scale and professional. As for the young entrepreneurs who just want to start a business online, do not need  make planning much for details. Do not let time you consumed a lot because it makes planning very precise. Everything you need for planning at the beginning is a strong foundation; What you selling, who would like to buy products / you servies, why do people have to buy products and financial planning until your product really - really profitable. Do not plan too much, not too little. Focus on building a strong foundation!

3. Principle Solo Fighter don't Need Help Others

it does not mean you not allowed to be a solo fighter. That is you must strive to build brand you itself, but that does not mean for this business you then you that have to do everything themselves. Well Okay cave strongly believe lu able to do everything themselves, from the design, choice of name brand, social media management, money, marketing, promotion, strategy, analytics, customer service, shipping of goods, etc. But remember bro, as the development of a system rich, capabilities and expertise you not possibly be maximum evenly, time you not going quite 24 hours a day, and the pressure you caves guarantee because many must you do alone. "the solution how bro, while new caves began business, where can hire people? " Begin to invite friend - friend entrepreneur who has the expertise to intertwine business cooperation with you. making them as kin work with professional commitment in responsibility. Or you be completely alone in the beginning, but when the business started you already stable and feels heavier because it continues to evolve, look for employees as needed you. So in the end you as a business owner can focus more on business development strategy you same.

4. Make Product / Service  No One Cares

"But the business of the cave innovation bro has never existed in the world?"

If you clay store innovations like there is in advertising and mall - mall, they could develop because the product is not merely innovation, but it can solve important problems. For example, emerging innovative products that can provide health in a matter of minutes. The problem was initially clear, a lot of people - people are busy and do not sport. " Audience do not care at you, you the same business, product or brand you ... They only care about themselves, what they want, what they need , what gives advantage to them. " According to , the first reason many startups fail is because not solve the issues that are important. If you product is an innovation and provide solutions on an issue of importance, you do not need advertising bro, people - people get the same come you. know is the first time have a small child and a magic stone that likes to water? He could be as famous as it was because he believed that people can solve their problems. The reason for someone to buy a product or service is between someone was indeed longer needed, or he wants to improve the quality of life.

5. No There Competitiveness Enough, Not Enough Differentiation

Apparently with you can make the products / services in accordance with 4 item, it was not enough bro.
Audience has a variety of options to buy something. For example, rich products / services what would he using, where he bought, brand what he chose, there are many other factors. To be able to win this competition, then one way is to give reasons why people - people must choose you compared to competitors. Important bro, especially for moving in a market crowded competitors (food, fashion, etc.): The higher the competitiveness you has, the greater the chances to survive, even won a business competition. A few tips from the cave on the competitiveness of this is to have differentiation. This means that brand you has something different than the competitors. Providing the best was not enough, you should be able to give something different, give the impression, so that the audience can remember the same brand you. " Do not be the best. Be different "

6. Sign in to the market share that is too small

Business growth you will be much faster when you has a market share of 1 campus totaling 5000 people, compared to one class only amount to 50 people. "But it was a niche bro, with a market share of 1 class aja cave more focused and targeted, moreover competitors do not exist? " the focus and have specific targets was nice, but if the market share is too small then the business growth you will also be longer. Maybe its competitors do not exist for the market share of one class, because they are already engaged first in market share one campus. Oh yes, 1 class and 1 campus was just an idea bro

7. Ignoring Trial Products / Services

you not forget to test the product or you service. Before you begin production in large quantities and selling, product testing is something that should not escape. Look for people - people around you, continue to wonder whether the product you already feasible to use the public or not.
If the answer is not feasible, even they are not going to use the product you although given free of charge, please repaired elements not worth it. "Then how do I make more boost quality of products / services cave? " Listen to any suggestion from the you audience, find know why people do not want to buy you products, wondering why they were not satisfied with the you product.

8. Gradually Waiting for Can Sell

When you already have the preparation of the products / services are sufficient, then you ready for brand you to the audience, doing deals and sales. It should attention bro, preparation quite the cave mean the product / service you already feasible for community use (point number 6) and not meant to be perfect. What makes lu waited eventually I'll be selling you? no committee has been enough time for everything? Fear not there is interest? Fear that already bought later feeling disappointed? Or the most common was ... afraid lu businesses fail? Well it was fatal bro, businessman or entrepreneur name so it had to face the same risk. Precisely if you move quickly to sell the product / you service, the faster arrival of improvement for you business.

9. Ignoring Short Term Interest

Different bro, short-term goals at different stages, with the overall goal of the company or vision. For example, when a business wants lauching new your products, you the short-term goal in this stage is to make the products sold in the first week. The purpose of this short term so let me be more measurable benchmark in achieving the company's you vision. Each short-term goal to achieve you, you then move forward to the next level.

10. No Learn from Competitors

Whatever type of business, by studying a competitor or competitors are a great way to build a business for the better again. The point is always the analysis and study of its competitors. It does not mean we have to follow all of what is done by a competitor, that is we are always one step behind. We learned about the mistakes they made, the strategies they use, and create strategies to position products you in the market share. While learning from you competitors, do not focus too high with the competition, but the main focus remains to you own business .

11. Not Storing Data Customer

As this article was published, I am fairly confident there are still many entrepreneurs underestimate the storage of customer data that already do business with them. Or maybe you, too bro? It's okeh fact, lu may not know that the customer's data store, then you can get a lot of advantages. For example, increase customer loyalty. Want to be the loyal customers who regularly same transaction lu? We can increase this loyalty of their data storage. Or the benefit of others, lu able to communicate your offerings with ease. In essence, the customer data storage, savvy you actual customer needs. The more they are satisfied or don't know, what they do not like, no matter how they like, and others - others are still a lot of advantages

12. Trying Become the Perfect

This error is fatal if you apply them in starting an online business. you does not want no mistakes at all? Bro Realistically, nobody's perfect. Caves take the example of, even for Bill Gates entrepreneur has ever made ​​a fatal mistake. Especially for a new one would start a business, because I'm sure that his name wrong and it failed so meals a day - day. While large companies able to look perfect for their experience and strategies to minimize errors.

13. Stop Too Fast

While still others fought - and nail to face barriers in business, many entrepreneurs who gave up first when dealing on the same street who do not conform to expectations. Perhaps the simplest reason for fear if dilanjutin will bring great losses. Or as experience the cave that is because it already bored, then simply decide to stop? Or because of the many customers who already not the same you subscription? Or the millions of other reasons? Everything is already done for building business arrived - arrived was left just like that, but if you want further see turns already done much for many. End - the end yes more or less regret. Nothing yardstick for sure when you must stop, the point is a waste of thought to stop. Instead of thinking about the need to stop or no, better find the solution of business you problems. Do not forget to also make a story and ask Entrepreneur input from family or others.

Too Busy Business start-Up Forgotten Even the Neighborhood Health Yourself

Well, this point actually just be a material reflection of all our efforts to start a business online. Simple really, but important. Caves do not want to discuss at length this point, let me be reflections yourself what the goal of becoming entrepreneurs .

Once again, the error - the error above just as consideration of what should be you avoid in starting an online business. Everything depends equally you itself as Entrepreneur young, because sooner or later the error would occur. Keep in mind: "Never be afraid to make mistakes, do not be sad if the rejection. The error is one of the processes of formation, and rejection will only become a problem when appears regret. "

5 Application or Content Anti Mainstream Mandatory On the Install On Laptops Student

For a student, have a laptop is very important to support them in learning activities, both at home and at school gan. The presence of laptops enabling them to do the task, the task of searching for materials, to present their school work. And whose name laptop donk would also require multiple applications to optimize the function of the laptop itself. But unfortunately most of the students are currently only enabled mainstream applications such as Ms.Word, Adobe Reader, music and video player application.
Well on this occasion, allow ane create a thread that discusses the anti-mainstream applications and content that is suitable for students, for further enhance their abilities in academics. So that they are better prepared when facing the National Examination gan. Want to know any kind of application that,

Applications Bank About
All students going to agree if the name of the National Examination (UN) as a difficult challenge, who would not want to be in the face in order to continue their education to a higher level. Many ways are done by the students to face the UN, from participating Bimbel, private lessons, to join UN simulation or try out. So for parents who have children who are still in school and will face the National Examination, it is better to install this application dilaptop bank about them. Because the exercises work on the problems in these applications on a regular basis, will automatically increase their science. so that the child be much better prepared when faced about the National Exam later gan. Lots of question bank applications circulating on google, one of which is a bank application about Kelase . Kelase application itself is a question bank that contains a lot of questions Exam for students grades 6, 9 and 12 gan. Ease back, this application features the deadline so that students as if they were doing about the real exam. After work, we also can see the longer answer, whether right or wrong.

Applications Mathematics
Most students think math is the hardest lesson to understand, because the full calculations and formulas. In fact, mathematics is one of the important subjects in the National Exam gan. Well to conquer the problems of the National Exam in mathematics, rather than a laptop in macem-macem install applications that do not really matter, mending cobain mathematics dah install applications that are circulating on google, with various versions. Starting from version Mathematics applications capable of solving problems of pre-algebra, algebra, trigonometry, to calculus gan. This application is very useful to help students solve complex problems. Live daily wrote about Mathematics in Mathematics application, then automatically this app can finish with a concept that is easy to learn gan. How, they would say if it was difficult to learn math?

Applications Ebook
first time computer technology has not developed as quickly this, students have to buy the book or borrow books at friend and libraries to read and work on the problems. But today that is completely online, to find textbooks or other books so easy gan. Just download the application wrote the ebook in google. Unfortunately a lot of students are reluctant to install this application for many reasons. Of the many applications of e-book, which is most suitable for these students is an e-book from gan. Why? Because in it there are thousands of ebook subjects from elementary, junior high school to vocational school with a national standard, and certainly these books officially having been bought copyrights gan. How Manteb khan ebook of this Mahogany ?? The e-book Mahogany can be free if agan buy a laptop with a processor Intel .

Application Dictionary
Surely one of you, who do not agree if there is a dictionary application is the application of anti-mainstream. But try to look ente ente that a student or students who have children, whether the laptop is no application of this dictionary? Guaranteed answer is only a few who install this application. When in fact this dictionary application is very important to install on laptops each student to hone their skills in English. Moreover, the subject of English is one of the important subjects in the National Exam gan. In google apps dictionary now many language versions, so just choose which one continues download ente Like deh. By downloading this application dictionary, indirectly agan save money to buy books dictionary, and supports the program go green save paper. In tau own book dictionary

Content Video Education
Learning to teach with a pleasant atmosphere is the dream of all students. If teachers only explain and students sit listening, definitely get bored. For ngakalinnya, yes learn use other methods, such as through educational video content. Well if puzzled find video lessons okay where, check . Inibudi provide a wide range of educational videos. Videos of inibudi can also be obtained in laptops Intel, as part of Smarter Generations program that includes educational content together Kelase & Mahogany. The advantage, if in laptops Intel, content in this study can be accessed anytime and anywhere without an Internet connection. Just open the laptop, watch deh education material in accordance with the wishes ente, like video that talks about Chemistry, Mathematics, Geography, History, all there gan! Cool again this video was made ​​directly by teachers or who are experts in their respective fields.

Now that he's applications and content that must be installed on a laptop students. So for those of you who confused to choose a laptop for a child agan students, need not be confused gan, select Intel laptop aja, deh direct dapet educational content packages for students in it. There Kelase, Mahogany, and Inibudi. Confused purchasing where? Datengin wrote showroom Columbia. There are loads of choice affordable laptop gan, already so credit program at Columbia condition is easy, and the installment super lightweight! For more details, you can be checked in

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Introducing AdMob Campaigns, a powerful way to cross promote your apps and manage direct sold campaigns

Thousands of AdMob publishers leverage AdMob house ads to cross promote their apps and scale adoption of new apps to their existing users. Today, were taking this to the next level with the launch of AdMob Campaigns. Were enriching our house ads functionality and adding direct sold capability to the AdMob platform. With this launch you can take advantage of:

  • Innovative formats: Use app promotion, image, text, HTML5, Video CTD ads that outperform legacy formats.
  • Advanced ad serving controls: Set four different goal types and allocate your inventory more efficiently with detailed performance reports such as campaign progress tracking. Run goal forecast to help predict whether your campaigns will meet their goals.
  • Best in class conversion tracking: Track your cross promotions using the same AdWords conversion tag, which is tightly integrated with third-party conversion trackers. No new tags required.

Going forward, you can manage all of your house ad campaigns and direct sold campaigns from one place. With AdMob, you can focus on building great apps while we do the hard work for you.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Although Internet, Here's How to Keep WhatsApp Tens of Billions Every Day

As we all know that earlier this year, WhatsApp undertake bold steps to eliminate its services. Previously, the service messaging purchased by Facebook that charge a fee of $ 0.99 per year for those users who use it.

Have you ever wondered, if WhatsApp is free, and they benefit from? Through the following article, let us peel more about their heroic acts such.

Free WhatsApp So, what reason?
Of the large number of users (reach 1 billion users ), WhatsApp it does not charge at all of its users. Instead of having to wear a charge of approximately 13 thousand rupiah every year, they want everyone to be able to use the service for free.


Investigate a investigate, the decision to exempt these services because they would like to make every user. Not everyone has a credit card, and most users WhatsApp come from developing countries. Therefore, giving charge to them is not a pleasant action.

WhatsApp also still cling to ideals by not displaying advertising as a source of income. They think that advertising has always been a barrier and unfriendly in terms of look for the user.

Then WhatsApp Can Profit From Where?
Since WhatsApp purchased by one of the Internet giant that is Facebook , they certainly now have a very strong financial support from the parent company. Facebook trying to juggle WhatsApp be one means of connecting business / business with a customer .


How can? Still remember the LINE cooperating with GO-JEK in giving direct booking feature motorcycles from column chatting LINE? Then most likely, WhatsApp will also do the same thing.

Experiments service Business-to-customer had indeed been under consideration by the CEO of WhatsApp that Jan Koum . He hopes someday WhatsApp can be used as a tool to check your bank account, departing aircraft, and other useful things.


Indeed grand plan has not clearly posted, but that's the most likely prediction in terms of income that will come to WhatsApp. Money will come when other companies want to cooperate with WhatsApp and integrating services into applications.

We are just waiting, when the cooperation with other companies will take place. Whether it's in the near term as well as long, but most likely it is going to happen. What do you think?

WMIC: Command Line Tool Top Rare Unknown

Some say that the Command Line Tool is an application that is outdated, no longer need and now its time click and click. But the reality is different, every version of Windows there Command Line has the power and new capabilities. If you've ever tried it, you will really lose very valuable science.

Let's say you want to know the motherboard model you use. You only need to open an Administrator cmd to use Run and type the command:


WMIC: Command Line Tool Top Rare Unknown

By using WMIC you've got the answer easier is not it? Or maybe you're wondering if you need a BIOS update? Possible to determine the BIOS version, you need to restart your PC. But it would be easier with cmd by typing:


WMIC can provide much information about the system infromasi on your computer. Here is a list of commands that can tell you the computer information system:





Obviously the above information you can find elsewhere than using Command Line, but one of the advantages of WMIC is able to save the output to a file. Commands used:


WMIC: Command Line Tool Top Rare Unknown

With this command, the WMIC will create an html file that contains the currently running services "replace the C: \ folder to the folder you desire."

uninstall Automatically

WMIC is not only able to report information system. WMIC can also uninstall the program but can not be undone. The trick with the command:


WMIC: Command Line Tool Top Rare Unknown

Process Management

WMIC can also mengkeluarkan particular application is currently active. So when you're open Internet Explorer and you want to remove it, type:


WMIC: Command Line Tool Top Rare Unknown

In addition to the above useful, WMIC can also provide other useful information such as user accounts, change the start mode, retrieve information from a specific log, change their IP address, restart or shut down the computer and much more.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Make Money With Google Admob - These 5 Steps To Get Started

Making money online a lot of the way, not only through advertising programs like Google AdSense, affiliate marketing, and others. One of them is through google admob.
Most online businesses misinterpreting how to make money with google admob. Yes, no one thought google admob only for those who know about the coding to make a good application for android and other platforms.
The opinions above are true. However!
Apparently, it does not require coding knowledge at all and you are able and ready to be a publisher google admob.
Android application can be made by various methods.
Do not believe. Please read more.
Why admob, but not others? Many advertising programs mobile besides Admob like Leadbolt, MobClix, MobFox, MoPub and others.
The reason.
As you know Admob is an android-based advertising media which is owned by the company google. Of course this is very interesting if you want to reap the benefits. Company Google has confirmed it will not disappoint the publisher of origin comply with policies and regulations.
Peek at how money-making opportunities with Admob!
The more years of development of Android-based smartphones higher growth. Even the price is getting relatively cheap smartphone, only to spend 600 thousand, people have been able to have android smartphone.
Step # 1 - Develop a planning
Plan .
Important or not.
Before starting a business, a plan is very important. With the existence of a plan that you know will move towards where.
All businesses are already preparing a plan before deciding to start.
Develop a plan
For android app there are two things you need to think about before you really wanted to make it happen.
Targeting international 1.A
Why International!
This is similar to a blog that monetize with Google Adsense and the main language "English. If targeting international consumers would gain you get bigger.
International smartphone users is far greater than the domestic.
One more thing, the value of advertising abroad much more expensive than domestic.
This picture of smartphone users in the world
This picture of smartphone users in the world
1.b. national targeting
What's wrong with trying to try out in the country.
Just like a blog with google adsense main language 'Indonesia', will be successful if it has high traffic.
An android application also produce maximally, if it gets downloaded the lot. It depends how your performance
Step # 2 - Preparing email
What kind of needs.
Email is critical to link to a variety of Google products. If you are new or want to start making money with google admob, it is better to register a new email.
Google Admob = Google = Google Adsense.
Well, as an adsense publisher no longer register a new email, please link that account to google admob and finishes.
Have a new email account to google developer registration
2.a. Registering to Google Admob
It turned out that the registration process does not seribet registration admob google adsense. Without waiting for a long approval and without a aplikasipun, you instantly accepted as an AdMob publisher
Below is how to register your email to google admob.
Steps to sign up for Google AdMob, visit Admob
2.b. Registering to google play developer
What is that?
Google Play developer is the place to submit android application later if the application is already finished.
What are in need?
To sign up for google play developer must have a credit card and set up a fund of $ 25 are about 325 thousand rupiah.
Step # 3 - Preparation Application
How good preparation.
Creating an android application requires a clear and precise preparation.
Here are a few steps that should be your concern.
3.A Determine the type of application
Broadly speaking, there are four categories based on google PlayStore.
1. application
2. game
Research 3b android application needs
Without doing any research will be painstakingly developing android applications.
Imagine, you create an application and it turns out similar apps already there are thousands of them. As these types of applications below:
The need is also very important. Set goals based on the needs of the age grouping.
For example:
Not suitable
Applications game race strategy = age of 50-60 years.
Application guide healthy old age = 20-25 years of age.
Very suitable.
Applications game race strategy = 20-30 years.
Applications cookbooks = aged 20-50 years (women).
Research ->  Supplies ->  Do It
3.c Create interesting application design
Attractive design can certainly attract people to download. Design android app can be determined according to the selection made at the time, read the points 3.d.
3.d Select the media to make an application
This stage depends on the capabilities, needs and budget. Nothing is suggested, the three points are equally good.
   How to manually 3.da
By deciding wanted to make an android app manually, you are already set in confuse with various coding .
Important! This method is for those who already know the ins and outs of coding course.
You can learn here.
Coding guide for those who want to be challenged on the site please learn
   3.cb automatic way
Have the funds but not too big. Prepare money ranging from 1 million to 10 million. Android developer and are looking for vendors that directly can be done automatically without the headaches of coding problems.
Some of my references.
However, each vendor developer has advantages and disadvantages. As :
  - Must subscribe every month
  - Paying only for an application only
   Hiring the services of a paid app
Many services that are ready to help you create and develop an android app.
Here are some references for free vendor
Many vendors are offering developing android applications. The layout of your weaknesses is not profitable on a revenue sharing system. But, if you want to try it please. 
Here are some references:
And I really do not recommend it. 
3.e Integrate AdMob code
Before entering finalization android app, do not forget to take AdMob code in your account and putting it into the android application.
How to put a code admob android application to differ depending on the vendor you use.
3.f Goalkan application
Goal = Results
After all finished, please goalkan your application and certainly before the goal, android application has been reviewed and tested the feasibility of the Android smartphone platform.
Step # 4 - Submit application to google play store
At this stage, the android application is completely ready to submit it to google play store. When submitting the application, you are faced with two choices of pay (people will buy apps) and free (ad code integrates AdMob).
As the title of this article, I review how to make money with google admob not make money from the sale of applications.
Further the final step
Step # 5 - Campaign application
Great app = no campaign = result = Zero
The last step often forgotten beginners usually. It would be like if an android application did not receive the campaign altogether. Just as a political party, if minimal campaign is already in make sure no vote.
Android app generates maximum, depending on your campaign.
Do not believe.
Applications game Flappy Bird already deleted the owner, earned income up to 400 million per day just by advertising AdMob.
Do you know !
Flappy Bird got famous and download that much because at the reviews on one of the world's largest news website that the Huffington Post.
Here are some refernsi media for the campaign:
5.a Via premium ad
Prepare sufficient funds to advertise on Google AdWords, premium FB ads or advertising on the websites of the largest in the country as the site of seconds, Legal, compass, kapanlagi and others.
It is suitable for large android developer.
5b Via social media
It is always advantageous to have fans base in large numbers.
There are many social media. Such as facebook, google plus, twitter and others. Use your account to the maximum as a media campaign.
No funds that you remove it, just a bit of zing.
5.c Via blog or website
Have a blog or a web is very useful indeed.
Write articles (reveiew) draw on your android app. Then post to the blog and find as many visitors.
5.d Via largest forums
forum seconds, compass, ads id, sociable, kaskus and others.Campaigning android application as natural and normal in the forums wisely.During the campaign, avoid spam as much as possible. This will adversely affect the future of your android app.