Monday, November 3, 2014

Top tips on how to grow your app idea into a successful business

Mobile app growth is exploding, driven by more and more people using mobile devices. To help you build a successful app business, AdMob has created The App Developer Business Kit. You can use this guide to help you figure out the right tools and steps to build an app business - whether you're an entrepreneur with an idea, or a developer with an app already available for download. Take a look below at some of the top tips for starting and growing your app business.

How to start building an app: To start, you�ll learn about the key principles that everyone should consider when building an app including ideas for funding, tech tips for building apps, and ways to earn revenue. You�ll also get a sneak peak into how Polish app developer Szymon Klimaszewski�s Blood Pressure app became one of the most downloaded health apps in the Google Play Store.

Build a user base: It�s important to have a clear app marketing strategy and to promote it effectively. Discover ways to attract more users and reach new markets through a deep-dive into how to promote your app. You�ll also see some great examples of how a few developers turned their app ideas into reality.

Understand the user: Different app users have different needs, and reaching your user audience isn�t easy. Get a good understanding of how users vary across the globe and some advice on how to reach them through recommendations based on survey data from the five hottest app markets in the world � US, UK, China, Japan, South Korea.

Grow an app business: Get answers to common app business development questions: How should I expand my app business? How do I keep innovating?

We hope you find the business kit informative and helpful as you build you mobile app business. Make sure to visit the AdMob website to view the complete App Developer Business Kit, and stay connected on all things mobile apps by following our Google+ page.

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