Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Want to learn about app funding? Watch our video series for tips from successful developers

Does your app need funding to get off the ground? Even if you have a simple app, there may be hosting costs as your user base grows, or you may want budget to invest in marketing or hire expertise. But should you go at it alone or get funding from an outside backer?

Learn about when to consider funding and what are the options available in the second video in the App Developer Interview Series, as told by our panel of developers and app experts.
We would love to also hear what has helped you decide which funding option to take. Please share with us in the comments below.

The App Developer Interview Series and App Developer Business Kit are initiatives from AdMob to educate app developers about how to grow their idea into a successful app business. To learn more about funding, marketing and monetizing your app, visit the The App Developer Business Kit on the AdMob website, and stay connected on all things AdMob and more by following our Google+ page..

Posted by Mike Schipper
Product Marketing Manager, AdMob

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