Sunday, June 12, 2016

How To Fast Index Your Content In Google Search

hoammmm good evening...

comeback again with me :D

today i want to share for newbie how to fast index your content in google search?

okeyyy just simple man

first open google search and type google webmaster

second click sign in with your google account

third click add property

fourth input your url blog / website and click add

fifth click alternate methods

sixth choose html tag

seventh now copy the meta tag in your template html under

<meta name="google-site-verification" content="weljR5CdEollGqOon2Scko9QfeipAJ-IIEZm7NwxgOQ" />
<title> My title </title>
page contents

and click verify and you now verif your blog / website in google webmaster

eight after that go to dashboard and click sitemaps

nine click add / test sitemap and type rss.xml / sitemap.xml / atom.xml and click submit

ten ... refresh the tab

eleven go to crawl > fetch as google and click fetch and render

twelve now after that click add to index and just waiting for 1x24 hours your blog / web indexing in google search

thank you :)

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