Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Mobile Ads Garage Episode 5: Interstitial best practices

A new episode of The Mobile Ads Garage has hit YouTube!

If you haven't seen it before, The Mobile Ads Garage is a video tutorial series that covers how to use the Mobile Ads SDK to display ads from AdMob and Doubleclick For Publishers. Each episode covers one aspect of the SDK, break down the feature, and show screencasts of real implementations on both Android and iOS all in a friendly format.

In the last episode, Andrew and Gary the Graphics Guy showed you how to implement AdMob interstitials on iOS and Android. Now they're back to show you how to put interstitials to work in the best ways possible. When is the best time to display? How early should you request an ad, and how often should your users see one? You'll get answers to these questions and more, along with cupcakes, cats who can play chess, and what appears to be a cloning incident gone awry.

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